The website with the address, which is an online infrastructure to enable the possibility of tracking the certificates of presence and design, has the role of design and printing
Printed paper on which the details of the organizer, the details of the person present, the details of the event or are contained and have no legal value
Is a person who, as the head of the training center, receives the necessary permits from the competent authorities and organizes skills and training courses, and directly or indirectly requests the design and printing of attendance certificates for participants in events and courses, and … Gives himself
The set of conditions agreed upon electronically or in writing between the parties, according to which the necessary conditions for the design, printing and activation of the inquiry are provided by one party to the training center of the other party and are binding on both parties
The process of receiving the order, printing it after the approval of the other party and activating the tracking code is called the design and printing process (registration and issuance process)
The process of receiving the order, printing it after the approval of the other party and activating the tracking code is called the design and printing process (registration and issuance process)